Defacer.Net Global Archive Defacements


All the information contained in Defacer.Net Hacked Website Archive were either collected online from public sources or directly notified anonymously to us. Defacer.Net is neither responsible for the reported computer crimes nor it is directly or indirectly involved with them. You might find some offensive contents in the mirrored defacements. Defacer.Net didn't produce them so we cannot be responsible for such contents. If you are the administrator of an hacked website which is mirrored in Defacer.Net, please note that Defacer.Net is not related at all with the defacements itself.

  • Add one url in each line in Urls textarea.
  • Only sub-domains are allowed from ( .gov, .edu, .ac, .go, .mil ) sites.
  • Any Kind of Picture Defacements will not accepted for example or
  • the name of the attacker must be in the deface script and in the script there must be at least a keyword that contains hacking elements (example: hacked by me). otherwise it will be declared invalid.